Report text adalah satu jenis teks yang menjelaskan tentang suatu objek berdasarkan hasil pengamatan penulis.

Report Text

Report text sering dimiripkan dengan descriptive text karena keduanya mendeskripsikan atau menginformasikan sesuatu.

Perbedaannya, report text biasanya menjelaskan sesuatu secara umum sementara descriptive text menggambarkan sesuatu secara lebih mendalam.

Kalimat yang digunakan pada report text adalah pola kalimat simple present tense karena teks satu ini berisi fakta.

Ciri ciri Report Text

1.      Report text berisi mengenai fakta-fakta ilmiah.

2.       Judul report text terlihat umum (dapat dikenali oleh pembaca yang tidak memiliki kompetensi pada keilmuan topik report text tersebut).

3.       Biasanya diserta gambar serta data statistic untuk membuktikan hasil dari pengamatan penulis.

4.      Kalimat report text menggunakan pola kalimat simple present tense.

5.       Report text menggunakan kata benda umum seperti pada language feature general nouns.

6.      Menggunakan kata kerja yang saling berhubungan, sesuai dengan language featurenya yaitu linking verbs atau relative verbs.

7.       Report text terdiri dari suatu objek dan ditambah dengan objek lain.

8.      Report text menjelaskan mengenai berbagai macam kelompok dan bukan individu secara khusus.

9.      Report text menggunakan conditional logical conjunction, contohnya so, when dan lain sebagainya.



Skin is the outer layer of the body. In human beings, it is the most important and largest organ of the system that covers our body. Our skin has a function to protect the human body from infection, also maintain fluid balance, extreme temperatures, and synthesize vitamin D for personal needs also have a function to shield physical structure.

Skin has three main layers, which are Epidermis or Stratum, Dermis, and Hypodermis or skin layer that have their individual tasks and need each other. The stratum layer is the outer layer of the skin. This layer doesn’t contain blood vessels, and is made from Merkel cells, keratinocytes, with melanocytes and Langerhans cells. Beneath the stratum layer, there is Dermis or corium layer. This layer contains hair follicles, sweat glands, fat glands, apocrine glands, body fluid vessels and blood vessels. This layer is connected to the cuticle layer with the basement membrane. Structurally, this layer is split into 2 regions, that the region next to the cuticle referred to as the process region, and also the thick inner region that’s called the crisscrossed region. What is more, there’s layer that situated below the derma layer. This layer is thought as hypodermic tissue. Layer serves to connect the skin to the underlying bone and muscle and provide them with blood vessels and nerves. the mixture of those 3 main layers has a mean thickness of 1 mm.

Task 1

Find the similar meaning of the following words

1.      Important

2.      Fluid

3.      Extreme

4.      Main

5.      Layers

6.      Thought

7.      Situated

8.      Provide

9.      Mixture

Task 2

State the following sentence is true or false

1.      Skin is inner part of the body.

2.      The most important and largest organ of the system that covers our body is blood.

3.      Skin has some main layers.

4.      Epidermis doesn’t contain blood vessels.

5.      Hair follicles, sweat glands, fat glands, apocrine glands, body fluid vessels and blood vessels are in Dermis.

6.      Hypodermis is split into 2 regions.

7.      Hypodermis is situated below the derma layer.

8.      The mixture of those 3 main layers has a mean thickness of 1 mm.

Task 3

Answer the following questions

1.      What is the main idea of the text?

2.      What are kinds human skin layers?

3.      What is Epidermis made form?

4.      Where is the cuticle layer connected to with the basement membrane?

5.      What layer is split into the process region and the crisscrossed region?

6.      What does the hypodermis serve?

7.      How thick is the blended of the three layers?








Komodo Dragon

Komodo dragon is the largest lizard on earth. It lives within the scrub and land of some Indonesian islands. Komodo dragon is the world’s heaviest lizard, advising one hundred fifty pounds or a lot of. The most important Komodo ever measured was quite ten feet (3 meters) long and weighed 366 pounds (166 kg) however, the common size of Komodo within the wild is about eight feet (2.5 meters) long and two hundred pounds or 91 kg.

Komodo has gray scale skin, a pointed snout, powerful limbs, and a muscular tail. They use their keen sense of smell to find decaying an animal remains from many miles away. They additionally hunt different lizards yet as massive mammals and generally barbarian. The Komodo dragon’s teeth are nearly utterly coated by its gums. Once it feeds, the gums bleed, making a perfect culture for virulent microorganism. The microorganism that boards the Komodo dragon’s spit causes blood disease, or septicemia, in its victims. A dragon can bite its prey, then follow it till the animal is simply too weak to hold on. This lizard species is vulnerable by looking, loss of prey species, and surrounding loss.



Tasks 1

Find the similar meaning of the following words

1.      Earth

2.      Scrub

3.      Lizard

4.      Quite

5.      Common

6.      Limbs

7.      Nearly

8.      Coated

9.      Virulent

Task 2

State the following sentence true or false

1.      Komodo Dragon is common lizard in the world.

2.      It can live all around the world.

3.      The skin is black

4.      Komodo Dragon has a big measurement.

5.      It eats decaying an animal remains.

6.      The Komodo dragon’s teeth are very strong.

7.      It generally barbarian animal.

8.      The microorganism that boards the Komodo dragon’s spit causes blood disease, or septicemia, in its victims.

9.      This lizard species is easily found in many areas.


Task 3

Answer the following questions

1.      Where does Komodo dragon live?

2.      Why do we call that Komodo dragon is the largest lizard in the world?

3.      How does Komodo Dragon find their food?

4.      What is their food?

5.      How is the dragon’s teeth?

6.      What is the text about?


Volcanic Eruptions

Volcanic eruptions are a process of the magma exiting from within the magma chamber located inside the volcano. This happens because there is magma activity as well as tectonic plate movement.

Volcanic eruptions are natural disasters because they carry magma, hot and cold lava, dense ash, and others. As a result, the land around the volcano will be damaged, disrupting the farming activities of the surrounding residents. Residents will also lose livestock, homes, and other valuables.

Nevertheless, volcanic eruptions will bring benefits in the long term. Because the volcanic ash that comes out will make the surrounding agricultural land fertile.

Materials from volcanic eruptions such as sand and stone can be used for new housing developments and others. In addition, new jobs such as sand mining will be opened so that people who lose their property can continue to work to obtain their daily needs.


Task 1

Answer the following questions

1.      What are volcanic eruptions?

2.      Why does this happen?

3.      What do volcanic eruption carry?

4.      What are the effects of the volcanic eruption?

5.      What is the benefit of the volcanic eruption?

Task 2

State the following sentence true or false

1.      Volcanic eruptions are a process of the magma entering from within the magma chamber located inside the volcano.

2.      The land around the volcano will be damaged, disrupting the farming activities of the

surrounding residents.

3.      Residents will also receive livestock, homes, and other valuables.

4.      Materials from volcanic eruptions such as sand and stone cannot be used for new housing developments and others.

5.      new jobs such as sand mining will be opened to work to obtain their daily needs.





A rainbow is a beautiful natural phenomenon that occurs in the sky after rainfall. It is a colorful arc that appears in the sky, consisting of seven distinct colors.

Rainbows are formed when the sun’s rays pass through raindrops. The light is refracted, or bent, as it enters the water droplets, and then it reflects off the back of the droplets. The light is then refracted again as it exits the droplets, creating the different colours of the rainbow.

Rainbows have been the subject of myths and legends for centuries, and they are often seen as a symbol of hope and promise. In addition to their cultural significance, rainbows are also important scientifically, as they provide a way to study light and its behaviour.



Task 1

Complete the following sentences by using the available words.








1.      A rainbow is a … natural phenomenon that occurs in the sky after rainfall.

2.      It is a colourful arc that …  in the sky, consisting of seven distinct colours.

3.      Rainbows are formed when the sun’s …  pass through raindrops.

4.      The light is then refracted again as it exits the droplets, … the different colors of the rainbow.

5.      Rainbows have been the subject of myths and legends for centuries, and they are often seen as a … of hope and promise.

6.      rainbows are also important scientifically, as they …  a way to study light and its behavior.

Task 2

Answer the following questions

1.      What is rainbow?

2.      What is rainbow consisting?

3.      What is rainbow formed from?

4.      What symbol does the rainbow have?

5.      Why is rainbow important scientifically?







A house is a building that functions as a home, ranging from rudimentary huts of nomadic tribes to complex, fixed structures of wood, brick, concrete or other materials containing plumbing, ventilation and electrical systems. Many houses have several large rooms and several small rooms with their specialized functions. Most modern houses usually consist of a bedroom, bathroom, kitchen or cooking area, and a living room.

Houses use various roofing systems to keep precipitation such as rain from getting into the dwelling space. Houses may have doors and locks to secure the dwelling space from burglars or other trespassers. A house may have a separate dining room or an integrated eating area with another room. Some large houses in North America even have a recreation room. In traditional agriculture-oriented societies, domestic animals such as chickens may share part of the house with humans. A social unit living in a house is known as a household.


Task 1

State the following sentence true or false

1.      A house is a building that functions as a home.

2.      Many houses have several large rooms and several small rooms with their specialized functions.

3.      Most traditional houses usually consist of a bedroom, bathroom, kitchen or cooking area, and a living room.

4.      Houses may have windows and locks to secure the dwelling space from burglars or other trespassers.

5.      In modern agriculture-oriented societies, domestic animals such as chickens may share part of the house with humans.

Task 2

Complete the following sentences by using the available words.





Kinds of



1.      Many houses have … large rooms and several small rooms with their specialized functions.

2.      Houses use … roofing systems to keep precipitation such as rain from getting into the dwelling space.

3.      Houses may have doors and locks to … the dwelling space from burglars or other trespassers.

4.      A house may have a … dining room or an integrated eating area with another room.

5.      Some … houses in North America even have a recreation room.

6. A social … living in a house is known as a household. 

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